We Need Your Help at WNS!

We have an exciting opportunity to make a positive impact on our community and connect with wonderful people. We are in need of a few more volunteers to serve food at Wednesday Night Suppers (WNS)!

What is Wednesday Night Suppers (WNS)?

WNS is a vibrant community event where we come together to share a delicious meal, enjoy each other's company, and create lasting connections. It's an evening of friendship and - as Lutherans love - delicious food.

When is the Kick-off WNS?

Our kick-off WNS event is scheduled for September 13, starting at 5pm and wrapping up at 6pm. We understand everyone's busy schedules, which is why we only ask for your assistance every few weeks.

What We Need from You:

All we need from our volunteers is your commitment to arrive by 4:30pm (or as soon as you can after work) and stay for the cleanup (about 6:30pm). Your dedication ensures that WNS runs like a well-oiled machine and is a fun experience for everyone involved.

Perks of Volunteering:

Volunteers not only contribute to the success of WNS but also get to enjoy a free meal on the nights they serve. It's our way of saying thanks for being awesome!

Are you ready to be part of the fun and make a difference for our community? Your involvement will be greatly appreciated, and we can't wait to welcome you to the crew!

To sign up and become a part of this initiative, simply click the button below or reach out to Katie Lintelmann with any questions at katie.lintelmann@mtcalvary.com or (651) 454-2344, extension 10.

Thank you for considering volunteering your time and energy to Wednesday Night Suppers. Your support is essential in making this community event a success, and we're excited to have you on board.

If you have any questions or need more information, please don't hesitate to contact us.


Ongoing Collection of Paper Bags for The Open Door Food Pantry


Register Now for Fall Programming!