Our Journey to Reconciling in Christ (RIC)

Fostering Love, Building Bridges, and Affirming All.

  • Becoming a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Congregation

    Mount Calvary Lutheran Church is excited to share that we are in the initial stages of becoming a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation. RIC is a program for Lutheran communities that publicly welcome people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.

  • What Does This Mean for Us?

    We have formed a small, dedicated group to engage in meaningful conversations about what it means to be an RIC congregation. This process involves intentional dialogue, education, and reflection on how we can create a more inclusive and welcoming space for everyone in our community.

  • How Can You Get Involved?

    Your input is valuable in this journey. If you're interested in participating in these conversations or have insights to share, please reach out to us at RIC@mtcalvary.com. We believe that everyone's voice is important as we work towards fostering an environment of love, acceptance, and understanding.

RIC Team Members

Jeremy Bierlein

Rebecca Gierok

Brian Hornbecker

Jean Taylor

Stay tuned for updates on our progress, events, and opportunities to engage with this important initiative. Together, let's continue to build a community where everyone is embraced for who they are.

Thank you for being part of this journey with us!

Email Newsletter

Mount Calvary sends out a weekly email highlighting the upcoming events and ways to stay involved. In addition, we’ll send a couple extra emails every month to stay informed about the big congregation-wide events and opportunities.

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