Worship FAQ – What Did We Learn?

Thank you for your feedback regarding our upcoming worship time changes! We have received about 30 surveys and summarized the feedback in a series of frequently asked questions (FAQ). Overall, most survey responses indicated support for the plan we will be following. While  unanimous support is rare, we are grateful for the congregation’s overwhelming support. Below you will find the FAQ regarding the rollout of our worship plan. 

Why are we making these changes?

We will be using one worship service on Sunday as an opportunity to have more intentional community-building, using name tags to learn names. We will also have occasional activities designed to build new friendships and to strengthen existing ones.

What can I expect at Wednesday Night Worship?

Wednesday Night Worship is for everyone! We will be meeting in the Fireside Room at 6:30pm. The format of Wednesday night worship will be relaxed and informal, and since it is a shorter service, there will be fewer songs, prayers, and readings than on Sunday morning. The basic structure will be the same, though. There will be a time for confession and forgiveness, a gathering song, a reading and teaching from scripture (same lesson as confirmation each week), communion, and a closing song. Music will be a mix of beloved classics for our hymnal and contemporary praise and worship songs, and Brian will be recruiting confirmation and youth group students to sing and play instruments. It will be a great opportunity for all of us to learn together. Please join us!

Will we have donuts and coffee?

Are you kidding? Yes! We will be having a dedicated coffee and fellowship time weekly from 9 - 9:30am so that we can enjoy our favorite Sunday morning treats and visit with one another. 

Will Mount Calvary continue to offer livestream worship?

Yes! We are grateful to be able to provide an online worship experience for those who will not be at worship in person.

What will happen to Sunday School?

Sunday School will begin at 9:15am and we will continue to welcome our young friends into worship at around 10am before everyone celebrates communion.

Will Sunday School teachers be able to worship?

Yes! Sunday School teachers are asked to commit to 1-2 weeks a month to help in Sunday School. On weeks teachers are helping in Sunday School, they would be able to worship at our 6:30pm Wednesday worship service and 8:30am services in Advent/Lent. Additionally, there will be Sundays throughout the program year where we will take a Sunday off and all worship together. 

What can I/we do if a combined service is too full or overstimulating for personal preferences?

We recognize that a full sanctuary is not the most conducive worship experience for everyone at Mount Calvary. For those that wish to have more space and less stimulation, the worship service will be able to broadcast through the built-in sound system in the nursery and gathering area.

Will one worship service require more volunteers?

Yes! In order to accommodate a larger service, we will need at least two ushers per week, additional communion servers for a possible third station, greeters to welcome people at the door, and a community committed to getting to know each other. 

How long will this worship service last? 

Our hope is to keep our worship service in the 45-55 minute range. We will be working to make space for special music from all of our talented musical choirs, groups, and ensembles, while making sure to honor the time we have available in your weekly schedule. There will be occasional Sundays where we will have to adjust – ie. Confirmation Sunday, All Saints’ Sunday, etc.


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